Edit the Detail Section Controls

Before You Begin: Move the Fields Left

Please drag all of the Fields to the left side of the Report. Otherwise, the Report itself may be resized depending on where the Fields are when you make them wider.


5. Now, Try it: Edit the Detail Section Controls

Go to the Detail Section and edit the following:


Select: Movie

Width: 2.75"

Left: 0.25"


Select: Description

Width: 1.375"

Left: 3.125"


Select: DateRented

Width: 1.0"

Left: 4.625"


Select: DaysRented and Rental

Visible: No

Keep going...

Report Design Tools ->Design-> Tools->Property Sheet

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

5. Designing Reports

5.2. Apply Report Design options: Reorder Tab Function