Database Relationships

The Tables in a database can be linked by key data. For example, a receipt includes key data on who (tblCustomers) bought (tblReceipt) what (tblMovies).


Beginning Access Teaches One-to-One

The beginning lessons show how to create and modify Tables. One Table will be used for each Form.


Intermediate Access Teaches One-to-Many

The intermediate lessons teaches how to capture one-to-many relationships. In our little video store, one customer may rent many movies. In Access, one-to-many is captured with a Form and Subform. 


Advanced Access Teaches Many-to-Many

In a good business, many customers would return many times and rent many movies. The Advanced Access lessons show how to create Search Forms and how to analyze the data.


OK, that's enough for the introduction.

Let's get started with Microsoft Access 2010.

Microsoft Access 2010: Sample Database Relationships