4. Which of the following is true about Queries? (Give all correct answers.)
A. Select Queries show records that match the criteria
B. Action Queries show records that match the criteria
C. Select Queries change or update data
D. Action Queries change or update data
E. None of the above
Tip: Beginning Access, page 30

5. Each Table may have a Form for data entry.
A. True
B. False
Tip: Beginning Access, page 31

6. What is displayed in the Navigation Pane? (Give all correct answers.)
A. All Access Objects
B. The last Access Objects created
C. Objects formatted with a particular Theme
D. Text formatted with a Heading Styles
Tip: Beginning Access, page 36

7.  Which is true about Field Names? 

A.  It is not possible to have a space in a Field Name

B.  Access with change spaces to an underscore (such as First_Name)

C.  Access will remove any spaces (changing First Name to FirstName) automatically

D.  Access allows spaces and doesn't change them

Tip: Beginning Access, page 38


8.  Which type of Field is a Phone Number Field?

A.  Numerical field just for phone numbers, allows only numbers and provides the dashes

B. A Text field that includes text (numbers) and punctuation

C.  A generic field with no special meaning

Tip: Beginning Access, page 43


Test Yourself

1.  Which of the following is true about Access databases?  (Give all correct answers.)

A.  Access databases save the information in Tables

B.  Data entry Forms, Queries, and Reports all use the information stored in Tables

C.  Databases record a one-to-many relationship

Tip: Beginning Access, page 29, 34


2.  Which are Field options? 

(Give all correct answers.)

A.  Text

B.  Numbers

C. Date/ Time

D. Yes/ No

Tip: Beginning Access, page 29


3.  Which of the following are Access database Objects? 

(Give all correct answers.)

A.  Spreadsheet

B.  Table

C.  Reports

D. Queries

E. Forms

Tip: Beginning Access, page 29