Review the Data: Filter

This Table has Filters in the Column Headings. The Filters can Sort and Select. The default option is Select All.


4. Try it: Filter the Records

Go to the Column Heading: Year

Select a Number Filter: 2012


What Do You See? There are 3 movies that were released in 2012 in this Table.


What Else Do You See? The Navigation Buttons at the bottom of tblMovies sez there are 1 out of 3. The other 397 records are still in the Table. Those Rows are just hidden, as they were in Excel.


Try This, Too: Remove the Filter

Go to the Column Heading: Year

Select a Number Filter: Select All


Keep going...

Home ->Sort & Filter-> Filter

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

2. Building Tables

2.3. Sort and filter records: Filter the Records