Run the Revised Query

This Query is supposed to Sort the movies by Year, then Sort them alphabetically. Does it? Please Run the Query and see.


8. Try it: Run the Revised Query

Go to Query Tools ->Design->Results.

Click on Run.


What Do You See? The MovieSQ should open in Datasheet View. The Year Field is first and is sorted descending (new movies first). The movies are sorted alphabetically by the movie title as well.


Do This: Save the Query

Go to File->Save.


And Do This: Return to the Design View

Go to Home->Views->View.

Select a View: Design View.


Keeeeep going...

Query Tools ->Design->Results->Run

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

4. Creating and Managing Queries

4.3. Manipulate fields: Rearrange the Fields