Join the Tables

When you join Tables you create a relationship between one table and another. The join is created by matching Fields with the same Data Type: Text with Text, or Numbers with Numbers.


In this example, we will join tblMovies to the Genre and the Rating.


2. Try it: Join the Tables

Select a Field from tblMovies: Rating.

Drag that Field to the Rating Field in tblRating.


What Do You See? The Join is represented by a black line from Rating in tblMovies to Rating in tblRating.


Try This, Too: Join the Tables

Select a Field from tblMovies: Genre.

Drag that Field to the Genre Field in tblGenre.


What Do You See, Now? There should be another Join from Genre in tblMovies to Genre in tblGenre.


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Query Design Tools ->Design

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

4. Creating and Managing Queries

4.2. Manage source tables and relationships: Create Ad Hoc Relations