Test Yourself

1. Themes are applied to which of the following? (Give all correct answers.)
A. Text
B. Pictures
C. Shapes
D. Graphics
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 59

2. Which Ribbon has the command for Themes?
a. Design
b. Insert
C. Options
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 59

3. Which Ribbon has the command to put a picture in an e-mail, NOT as an attachment?
A. Options
B. Insert
C. Home
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 61

4. Outlook automatically tallys the vote responses when using the vote options.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 72


1. Open a new Email. Address the email to yourself.

2. Add the following Text:

Open House
Saturday 1-4pm
1234 Oak Wood Lane

3. Apply the Theme Austin

4. Format Font Green, 14 pt, Italic.

5. Change the font to Verdana

6. Add voting options for Yes, No, and Maybe

7. Add a BCC recipient of your choice

8. Tag this email as Low Importance

9. Send the E-mail to yourself.

10. Go to the Inbox and confirm.


Application Question: When would using BCC be more appropriate than using CC? When would you use the CC field?


An angel can illuminate the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision.

St Thomas Aquinas