Slicer Tools

Slicers, like Charts, Shapes and Pictures, have their own set of Tools.


The Slicer Tools include:


Slice Style





Before You Begin: Click on the Slicer. The Slicer Tools should be available.


3. Try it: Format the Slicer

Go to Slicer Tools ->Options.

Select a Slicer Style: Dark 6

What Else Do You See? You can use the options in the Arrange group to bring a Slice in front or back if you wish.


Rename this spreadsheet Slicers and Save your work.

Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

3. Presenting Data Visually

3.4. Apply and manipulate PivotCharts: Analyze data with Slicers

Slicer Tools ->Options-> Slicer Styles